Ethics and knowledge go hand-in-hand

  • August 22, 2013

Two concerns keep Skanska CEO Mike McNally up at night. He worries that one of the company’s 50,000 employees around the world might act unethically. He also frets...

Truth is, a handbook needs an honesty policy

  • August 20, 2013

Nearly one in five U.S. workers admit to lying at the office at least once a week, according to a CareerBuilder survey. A quarter of hiring managers say they’ve...

The corporate benefits of contemplation

  • August 19, 2013

Mindfulness and meditation are no longer reserved for the spiritually dedicated, as Silicon Valley companies turn to these ancient practices to help employees tap into...

Secrets to success in Word: 3 settings

  • August 19, 2013

Make your document life easier with a treasure trove of simple settings. Click on the File tab in Office 2010 and 2013 and select Options ...

Must we give FMLA leave for cosmetic surgery?

  • August 08, 2013

Q. An employee lost weight and is having excess skin removed and a breast lift. There will be a surgery and recovery period. Is elective cosmetic surgery covered under...

Eisenhower’s toughest decision

  • August 08, 2013

On June 2, 1944, all the pieces were in place for the largest amphibious assault in world history. Planning for D-Day fell to Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower. The...

Performance reviews: 12 pitfalls to avoid

  • August 01, 2013

An employee’s evaluation meeting is approaching and you’re all set. But here's a list of common traps that can trip up even the most-prepared manager.

Working with a chronic complaining boss

  • July 31, 2013

Chronic complainers can kill mo­­rale, hurt productivity and drive you nuts. Author Linda Swindling identifies five types of complaining bosses and explains how...