7 ways to improve your tech life

  • April 15, 2011

Your software is sluggish; your gadgets are glitchy. Here are seven easy updates that will improve your technological life. For starters, get a smartphone—having...

Free online training for managers and HR

  • April 13, 2011

Smaller organizations often have little or no budget to train their management teams. But no budget doesn’t have to mean no training. Here is a list of some of...

Gum-popping co-worker drives me crazy!

  • April 06, 2011

Question: “I work in a small office with a woman who loudly cracks and snaps her chewing gum. This lady is pushing 40 years old, so her behavior seems very...

5 ways to keep track of business cards

  • April 05, 2011

“My boss is inundated with business cards,” writes an admin reader. “Some are in Rolodexes, others are loose. But he doesn’t want to weed ...

Do U.S. employment laws apply overseas?

  • March 20, 2011

Q. Our company has employees stationed in locations outside the United States. A situation recently occurred that raised the question of whether U.S. employment laws...

Offer reinstatement if you make FMLA mistake

  • March 20, 2011

The FMLA is a complicated law that can trip up even the most experienced HR professional. And sometimes it may not be apparent that an employee didn’t get the...

Threat of suicide justifies medical exam

  • March 20, 2011

Employers are sometimes nervous about demanding that an employee undergo a medical exam. They fear doing so somehow violates the ADA. If an employee threatens suicide...

How to handle catty coworkers

  • March 16, 2011

Question:  “Every day, I have to work with a group of rude and catty women. They call me a tattletale, even though I’m not.  When I’m around,...