No hyphen required

  • July 24, 2010

Question: In the following sentence, should the words “on site” be hyphenated? They removed the trees and dumped them on site.

Is it legal to dock pay for break tardiness?

  • July 21, 2010

Q. We give employees the choice of using two 10-minute breaks each day or combining them into one 20-minute lunch break. The employees are required to punch out and in...

1-minute strategies from

  • July 13, 2010

Each month, puts together a digestible collection of 1-minute strategies that help you save time and stress. Here are the 10 most recent time-saving...

Disciplining an incompetent admin

  • July 07, 2010

Question:  “I recently hired an administrative assistant who makes a lot of mistakes. Two months ago, I told her that this was unacceptable and that she must...

Are you a belittling boss?

  • July 01, 2010

Many otherwise skilled managers subtly belittle their employees. Here are some common ways that supervisors unintentionally hurt the feelings of their subordinates.

10 quotes to recharge your batteries

  • June 23, 2010

Everybody knows that leaders are optimists. Here are nine quotations and a little story for when your glass drops to the halfway mark. For starters: “The optimist...

James Cameron defines leadership

  • June 22, 2010

An Oscar-winning director whose films bring in billions, James Cameron is known for exacting top performances from talent. Among his rules for leading: Motivate with a...