How to Wipe Out Fraud and Abuse Under FMLA

  • March 24, 2009

The medical certification process is your most potent weapon for combating potential FMLA fraud. But obtaining a certification is only the first fraud-stopping step....

Remember to recalculate overtime after bonus

  • March 22, 2009

If, like many employers, you rely on a bonus plan to help retain valued employees and motivate them to work hard, don’t get caught in this common trap: Employees...

Mary Minnick: Coke’s snarly discontent

  • March 16, 2009

In her 23 years at Coca-Cola, Mary Minnick was pretty much never satisfied. Maybe her whipsmart approach was too much for the genteel board of the Atlanta-based...

Crisis readiness: Know your 3 P’s

  • March 08, 2009

The current economic meltdown underscores this reality: We’re never too far from a crisis. Before a crisis causes things to blow up, train your office for first...

The importance of initiative

  • March 02, 2009

America’s foremost business philosopher, Jim Rohn, says the biggest mistake people make is thinking they work for someone else, rather than themselves. When you...