The key to great inquiry fulfillment

  • January 24, 2009

Suppose you had responded to an advertisement from a manufacturer of forged steel valves and requested more information. How would you react to this reply?

Staple right, staple left or staple middle?

  • January 04, 2009

Say that within a three-page document, the first and third pages are vertical, and the middle page is horizontal. How do you arrange them for stapling? Do you turn...

Can we require worker to wear hearing aid?

  • January 04, 2009

Q. An employee with severe hearing loss refuses to use his hearing aid. He works in a loud environment with forklifts and other hazards. Can we force him to wear the...

Encourage deep thinking on your team

  • December 26, 2008

The late Tony Athos would sometimes sit on a bench outside the Harvard Business School and think deep thoughts. Asked what he was doing, he’d say,...

One CEO’s ‘no complaining rule’

  • December 23, 2008

To build a positive workplace culture, you must deal with negativity and energy vampires head on. CEO Dwight Cooper dealt with the negativity problem by creating a...

How must employees ask for FMLA leave?

  • December 21, 2008

Q. Does an employee have to say that she wants to “take FMLA leave” in order to satisfy the requirement that she notify her employer of her “intent to...