Shutting Down The Office Motormouth

  • August 06, 2008

Question: “One of my employees is a good worker, but she’s a real motormouth. “Brenda” talks nonstop to anyone she can corner, repeating the...

Exempt employees and negative leave balances

  • July 24, 2008

Q. I know I must pay exempt employees their full salaries even if they have no accrued benefits in their leave plans and their accounts have negative balances. But can I...

Are employee assistance programs required?

  • July 18, 2008

Q. I understand that many companies offer employee assistance programs (EAPs) as an added benefit for employees who may have drug or alcohol abuse problems. Are we...

How far can MDCR investigation go?

  • July 11, 2008

Q. Our company is responding to a charge filed with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR). The allegation relates to management’s treatment of one...

Using subcontractors during a strike

  • July 11, 2008

Q. We are putting together a strike contingency plan. One option we have considered is subcontracting out certain jobs for the duration of a strike. Are we obligated to...