Twelve percent of all violent crimes committed in the United States occur in the workplace. And Georgia employers face unique legal challenges in their response to such...
Atlanta-based Home Depot recently completed a yearlong implementation of its Deaf2Work program in Minnesota, in collaboration with that state’s employment...
Q. We have an employee returning from FMLA leave. His physician issued a fitness-for-duty certificate, but we question the worker’s ability to perform his old job...
If your employees sign employment contracts, you should be aware of a quirk in New York state contract law. It says that when employees continue doing the same job after...
Georgia has special child-labor laws that can trip you up if you’re not careful. With federal child-labor laws to consider as well, Georgia employers must navigate...
One of the world’s largest funeral home companies faces a class-action lawsuit by up to 6,000 current and former employees for failure to pay back wages and...
Employees can sue for discrimination if you illegally figure their race, sex, age, religion, disability or pregnancy status into their termination. That’s true...
As if life in HR weren’t hard enough, a federal court has clarified when you may be held individually liable for mistakes in administering anti-discrimination and...
Twelve percent of all violent crimes committed in the United States occur in the workplace. And Florida employers face unique legal challenges in their response to such...
The manager of a Tampa Victoria’s Secret store recently filed a complaint alleging that the store fired her because she was pregnant. The woman alleges that...
What’s a manager to do when faced with conflicting accounts of an argument between employees? An important part of that answer is to resolve it quickly, before the...
Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 has become an increasingly common route for African-Americans to bring to federal court a variety of discrimination claims...
A growing number of states require two-party consent to any monitoring or recording of business phone calls. And, if a recent court case is any guide, those states are...
HR professionals often play it ultra-safe in interviewing. For fear of asking unusual, inappropriate or even illegal questions, they stick to bland, scripted queries...
Do the supervisors in your organization know how to handle potentially volatile employment discussions? If they don’t use kid gloves, they could be sued personally...
Florida employers ordinarily don’t have to pay workers’ compensation benefits for employees who are hurt while engaging in horseplay. But that provision...
As overtime lawsuits continue to surge, organizations often try to defend themselves by pointing to their policy that says employees should have received management...