Why Henry Ford doubled wages

  • December 01, 2006

When Henry Ford announced Five-Dollar Day in 1914, it created a sensation. Overnight, the Ford Motor Co. would double the standard wage of automobile workers. Why did...

Tired of running boss’s personal errands

  • November 22, 2006

Question: I work for a business owner as a bookkeeper and assistant office manager. I also am referred to by others as the business owner's secretary. I don't have...

My co-worker doesn’t have to punch in

  • November 03, 2006

Question: In my company of approximately 125 people, all non-exempt personnel are required to punch a time clock. That was instituted by the boss's wife, who is the...

How do you track contracts?

  • October 26, 2006

Question: I have worked for my employer -- a large company with more than 1,400 employees -- for eight years now. When I started working here, the amount of contracts...

Ben Franklin on continuous improvement

  • September 01, 2006

Benjamin Franklin managed to set up America’s first publishing chain, public library, fire department and nonsectarian university; plus “discover”...

Mike’s sells the rumble, not the Harley

  • September 01, 2006

In 1992, Mike Schwartz walked into a Harley-Davidson dealership in Delaware … and learned that he’d have to wait a year and half for his bike. Convinced...

How Snapper’s CEO said ‘No’to Wal-Mart

  • August 01, 2006

When he acquired high-end lawn mower manufacturer Snapper in 2002, CEO Jim Wier’s lowest-priced machine sold for about $350. Because Wal-Mart also sold six other...

Basics from the Law of the Edge

  • July 01, 2006

Professional football teams are fairly evenly matched. What makes the difference between winners and losers is leadership. John C. Maxwell calls it the Law of the Edge,...

Can I undo a major ‘oops’?

  • June 23, 2006

Question: I am a notary public and I was asked by my new boss to sign some legal documents for the sale of his home. I accidentally entered the wrong expiration date...

Monthly meeting of admins a good idea?

  • June 23, 2006

Question: I wish to start a monthly meeting to include as many of the Administrative Assistants throughout the organization as possible. Does anyone have any hints on...

Looking for the perfect Rolodex

  • June 02, 2006

Question: I'm trying to find an essential tool I use every day and can't find it anywhere, and am hoping my fellow admins might be able to help me. I have...

Managing your average performers

  • June 01, 2006

Studies show that nearly all the time most managers spent on "people work" is divided between their best performers and their worst ones. The people in the mid­dle...