The Wall Street hustler who never retired

  • March 01, 2006

When John H. Slade died, one obituary made a telling error in saying that he had worked at Bear Stearns for “seven centuries.” Actually, it was only seven...

Behold GE’s 5 growth-leadership traits

  • March 01, 2006

For a while now, General Electric’s top dogs have been studying companies they admire, like Dell and Toyota, seeing how they do things and trying to figure out...

Put employee morale in the bank

  • March 01, 2006

"Most leaders truly want to do the right thing," says Quint Studer, consultant and author of Hardwiring Excellence: Purpose, Worthwhile Work, Making a Difference. "They...

Unproductive co-workers

  • February 17, 2006

Question: I work in an office with three other administrative people. One of the other admins and I have a good work ethic: We need to keep busy (and we are very...

Admin pools

  • February 10, 2006

Question: Does anyone have information on "admin pools" (when a group of administrative assistants work together as a team and report to a senior assistant)? If you...

Distracting co-worker

  • February 03, 2006

Question: I work in an office where I am in the center of everything, so I can hear and see everything that goes on.  One of my co-workers pretends to work...

Promotion challenges

  • February 03, 2006

Question: I have been employed in good standing with a great corporation for more than eight years. Working in the administrative field has been my specialty for...

Disappearing office supplies

  • January 20, 2006

Question: On and off, stationery items like staplers, calculators and such disappear from our office. Writing our names on them seemed a good idea until someone said...

Gum popping!

  • January 13, 2006

Question: I work in a nice office with a lot of nice people around. Sometimes, however, the lady next to me in her cube will chew gum ... then, she will pop it. Not...

Wrong decisions vs. bad decisions

  • January 01, 2006

While even the best leaders aren’t perfect decision-makers, it’s still true that a wrong decision is different from a bad decision.

Recall names with Look, Snap, Connect

  • January 01, 2006

Never forget a person’s name again. Sound like a pipe dream? Not if you use Gary Small’s Look/Snap/ Connect technique. “The major reason we forget...

Office housekeeping responsibility

  • December 27, 2005

Question: I work in an office with 19 other people and I am in charge of turning on the dishwasher each night before leaving.  To some, this translates to me also...

Who Is A Parent Under The FMLA?

  • December 08, 2005

While most everyone considers a grandparent to be an especially cherished family member, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) does not generally include a...

The dangers of hasty decision-making

  • December 01, 2005

In his latest book, Why Decisions Fail, scholar Paul C. Nutt analyzes 15 disastrous courses of action, from Ford’s defense of the flammable Pinto to...