Installment sale to relative is allowed

  • October 31, 2005

Q: I own real estate that I plan to sell to my son through an installment sale. My CPA says this can't be done because we're related parties. Is this true? D.R.T., St....

Don’t get too close to your vendors

  • October 01, 2005

Close relationships between your organization and its vendors or partners probably are thought of as a good thing. But here are a couple of pitfalls you should know...

Employees can disobey bias-tainted orders

  • October 01, 2005

When an employee refuses to carry out an order, supervisors may automatically think such insubordination is worthy of discipline or firing. Not so fast! That initial...

Unfriendly atmosphere

  • September 16, 2005

Question: We have an office of about 70 employees, about 55 of whom have face-to-face contact with the public. The owner would like all patients welcomed with...

Over explainer

  • September 02, 2005

Question: I work with a person who has recently been promoted into the management ranks. My problem is that she over explains the simplest thing. I hate to interact...

Self-employeds: Pass the 1099 tax buck

  • August 22, 2005

Q: I retired earlier this year, but I'm starting a consulting business as a sole proprietor. In my line of work, I'll need to use subcontractors. But won't I be taxed in...

Business Entertainment

  • August 22, 2005

All work and no play can make Jack (or Jill) a disgruntled employee or client. So, you may decide to treat some of your top customers or valued employees to an outing as...

Training a co-worker to be independent

  • August 19, 2005

Question: I would like some advice on how to train and make my co-worker independent.  He is a complete fresher in this line (admin) and although he has been with...

Queen Elizabeth II: Duty over all

  • August 01, 2005

Sometimes, a leader’s duty is simply to ensure the institution’s survival. In the case of Queen Elizabeth II, her duty is to preserve the British monarchy,...

Kingdomality: What’s your ruling style?

  • August 01, 2005

If you like to understand your own world through a parallel universe, the new management book Kingdomality divides the leaders of a mythical medieval kingdom into four...

Don’t let them give up on you

  • August 01, 2005

Procter & Gamble Chairman and CEO A.G. Lafley tells a tale of getting down to core issues when a valuable employee wants to leave. It happened when Lafley once resigned...

When is it not OK to delegate?

  • August 01, 2005

Knowing how to delegate tasks to your team members is a critical management skill. It helps you develop your people while controlling your workload at the same time....