PowerPoint: Creating video elements

  • June 04, 2018

If you have to produce video media, but are more familiar with PowerPoint than your video software, here are a few tips and tricks for creating video elements that can...

4 WordPress plug-ins for SEO

  • June 01, 2018

The whole purpose of a content and social media strategy is to bring attention to your website. You can’t do that if you aren’t applying a solid SEO strategy. Guy...

Don’t punt away booster club donations

  • May 30, 2018

This may be the time you usually donate to a booster club for your alma mater or local school you root for. Strategy: Make your donation with no strings attached....

Was that a lack of training or common sense?

  • May 29, 2018

Employees discharged for unprofessional conduct sometimes try to blame their problems on a lack of training. They argue that they had no way of knowing that their...

Don’t be the cause of bottlenecks

  • May 28, 2018

Communication bottlenecks can bring your team’s progress to a screeching halt. Make sure that you aren’t responsible for slowing things down because of poor...

Tap tax brakes on vehicle trade-in

  • May 24, 2018

It used to be that you could trade in one business vehicle for another without any dire tax consequences. But now the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has turned the tax rules...