JATHAN JANOVE: In this story, my guest Paul Smith explains how, to his great surprise, he found meaning in marketing toilet paper. Paul is a keynote speaker, corporate...
Business Management Daily is excited to announce that next week (Oct. 3-7) is the seventh annual HR Professionals Week. During this special event, the publishing company...
While managers are typically a major part of the hiring and interview process, they’re often short on experience, confidence or time. Here are some tips to help...
Question: "After two years on the job, I've been given permission to come up with my own job title—my boss doesn't put much stock in them. Right now I'm basically...
Producer, manager and leader were once three distinct roles. Today, as a Manager/Leader in an increasingly volatile and complex world, you wear all three hats...
When the company could benefit from team-building exercises, what is the best way to approach them? Would putting employees in a difficult environment or situation...
Q: “My wife works in a production department where only a few employees have permission to work overtime. Everyone else must leave at the end of the shift. The...
Q. In recent months, a sharp decline in revenue has forced us to consider downsizing. What are the legal risks associated with a layoff, and how can we minimize them?
Just because co-workers can be rude doesn’t mean the target of mean comments has a hostile work environment claim — especially when the comments are...
Your employees likely fall into one of three groups when it comes to training: vacationers, prisoners or willing learners. How can you convert your vacationers and...
It costs American employers an average of $4,129 to hire a new employee, a process that on average takes 42 days, according to the Society for Human Resource...
Like many things animation should be used in moderation in PowerPoint. One place where it can be meaningfully applied is in presentations that are designed to be...
Between distractions, troublesome co-workers and all the red tape at work, it’s a wonder you get your job done at all. What measures can you take when your boss is...