Former St. Jude Medical executive Bryan C. Szweda will pay $117,090 in restitution to the St. Paul medical devices company following a plea deal in which he admitted to...
Like many things animation should be used in moderation in PowerPoint. One place where it can be meaningfully applied is in presentations that are designed to be...
When the role of the administrative professional is augmented with new duties, it can be a good news/bad news situation. Accepting new roles, like SharePoint...
Generally, your annual write-off for losses from passive activities is limited to your income from passive activities. In other words, you can’t claim an overall...
Permissions can become confusing in SharePoint. A few basic principles help clear the mist a little. The more complex you allow your permissions structure to become, the...
Common occurrence: A worker overpays FICA tax due to a change in jobs or other circumstances. It could easily happen to you or someone else in your family. Depending...
With the onset of cold weather in many parts of the country, grandparents of college-bound children may seek some warmth in a smart tax-saving device. Investigate the...
One of the best new features introduced in PowerPoint 2010 (and also included with PowerPoint 2013) is the ability to group presentation slides into sections.
Alimony paid by a taxpayer is deductible while child support is not. Conversely, alimony payments are taxable to the recipient, while amounts paid for child support...
One of the best features of SharePoint 2010 and 2013 is the way it permits co-authoring. Co-authoring means more than one person is in a document, workbook or...
One of the hardest things to do is to get people to put things in the right places. Even when you had “sub-sub-sub-sub” folders on your network drive, people...