Organizing personnel files: 4 FAQs

  • June 27, 2018

Employee lawsuits often use personnel files as evidence of wrongdoing by employers. Here we answer some FAQs about organizing personnel files.

We’re wide awake and worrying about work

  • March 29, 2018

Sleepless nights caused by work anxiety are taking a heavy toll on employees. According to new research from global staffing firm Accountemps, 44% of professionals often...

Which to-do list method works for you?

  • June 09, 2017

If the top item on your to-do list reads “Organize to-do list,” you know how difficult they can be to manage. Is there a secret formula for a great to-do...

5 traits of the highly organized

  • June 07, 2017

While everyone has their own methods for staying organized, there are some common traits highly organized people share. Here are some traits you can adopt to become more...

Bring Lean methodology into work

  • March 13, 2017

Lean methodology was adapted from the Toyota Pro­duction System and focuses on the elimination of waste within work.

4 tips for going paperless

  • May 20, 2014

Many offices are moving away from paper to protect the environment, spend less on printing supplies and reduce office clutter. Going paperless can also keep...

Office spring cleaning–Plan now!

  • February 24, 2014

It’s time to open your planner and designate one day next month to refresh the entire workplace, throw out the clutter and rejuvenate office spirit. Here are...

Why you need 2 break-room bulletin boards

  • November 07, 2013

Does your workplace have one large bulletin board in the break room? Perhaps the note asking “If anyone found a pair of sunglasses, please return them to Deb in...

Is it time to rethink an open-space office?

  • November 05, 2013

Open-plan offices have grown in popularity for not only communication benefits, but economic factors. But a new study based on a survey of over 42,000 office workers in...

Planning and executing a flawless event

  • May 02, 2013

Great corporate events, the ones where everything goes well and everyone has a good time, don’t just happen. They’re always the result of plenty of hard work...

New ways to organize your business cards

  • August 23, 2012

As mobile technology advances, so does the art of networking. New mobile apps allow business professionals the opportunity to obtain and organize their business contacts...

Company Records: What to Keep, What to Dump

  • May 29, 2012

A records retention schedule ensures that an organization keeps the records it needs for operational, legal, fiscal or historical reasons, and then destroys them when...

Tips on managing someone else’s inbox

  • March 02, 2012

Keep on top of the boss’s or someone else’s inbox with these proven tips from the trenches: 1.  Avoid duplicating work to the extent that you...

Medical records: Do’s and don’ts

  • February 03, 2012

Medical records are among the most sensitive documents employers maintain in personnel files. They must be afforded the utmost protection, so no transgressions arise...