Google Gab: Effective animation in Slides

  • September 04, 2018

Animation in presentations should always serve a purpose. Let’s look at the scenarios and how animation can be applied to make your message clearer while presenting.

Tax news: September ’18

  • September 01, 2018

FBAR extension … State tax amnesty … Regs for pass-throughs … States sue the feds … Draft dodgers

Squeeze under interest deduction cap

  • August 27, 2018

Watch out for a new deduction limit for business interest. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, this deduction can’t exceed 30% of an affected business’s adjusted...

How do you deal with a short-tempered boss?

  • August 22, 2018

Question: "My boss is a very good one about nine days out of ten .... and then there always comes a day when he blows his stack a little. I can usually see it coming,...

The dreams that tell you you’re stressed

  • July 30, 2018

If you run into a string of these pesky nightmares, or even one whopper, it’s probably time to take stock of your situation and acknowledge your stress is worth...

How to retain staff and increase profits

  • July 27, 2018

A revolving door of staff can be very costly, so it's important to spend time focusing on what's really motivating employees. Workplace expert and trainer Bonnie...

Conducting workplace investigations

  • July 25, 2018

Conducting prompt, thorough internal investigations followed by appropriate corrective action may be the best way to insulate your company from potential liability when...

Score tax points for a mortgage

  • July 16, 2018

Are you or someone else in your family buying a home? Mortgage interest rates are still favorable by historical standards, but you might decide to pay one or more...

Business processes and BSOs

  • July 02, 2018

Business users, every day, find a cool app that does something nifty, then try to integrate it into their work processes. While it’s great that you are collecting...

Face up to the AMT in ’18

  • June 28, 2018

Although the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduces exposure to the alternative minimum tax for millions of taxpayers for 2018-2025, it doesn’t provide complete protection....

Organizing personnel files: 4 FAQs

  • June 27, 2018

Employee lawsuits often use personnel files as evidence of wrongdoing by employers. Here we answer some FAQs about organizing personnel files.

Getting control of emails with filters

  • June 21, 2018

Spent any time Googling how to sort your email messages in Gmail? Pretty frustrating, right? Here are several ways to find the needles in the Gmail haystack.