Question: "The reports we generate at work look as boring as can be, mostly because no one wants to take the time to spruce them up. What are some very fast, very simple...
When most people think about creating handouts for a PowerPoint presentation, they think simply about printing copies of their slides, 1, 2 or 3 per page with...
A Master Document is a collection of links to other documents that can be viewed and printed as though it were a single document. So, how does this work?
If you plan on knocking out a task quickly and then discover there’s far more to it than you expected, it’s going to wreak havoc on your schedule and could...
Hashtags (#) have become a part of our everyday social media world. You see them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Here are 6 tips to effectively use...
If you’ve ever accidentally saved over a document you needed by using it to create a new one, or accidentally deleted long and complex formulas, you’ll...
Everyone handles deadlines differently, but if you want to keep your career on track, you need a systematic approach to make sure you’re meeting them. Here are a...
While it's easier than it has ever been in Excel 2007 and 2010 to remove duplicates from a list based on selected criteria, you’ll need to watch out for a few...
Dana Theus, a leadership consultant and founder of InPower Women, explains how administrative professionals can develop their confidence and leadership skills to drive...
It would be great if you could wave a magic wand and convert some of employees’ taxable wages into nontaxable business reimbursements. But you can’t. A new...
An incompetent boss is annoying at best and damaging to your career at worst. To keep your career moving forward in spite of a clueless boss, Dorothy Tannahill-Moran...
Delete Fearlessly! Sort by sender, subject or organize by conversation. Delete those that are purely social. Even if you spend 5 minutes a day until the end of the...
There are plenty of ways for organizations to lose money—bad business decisions, tough competition, fickle markets. But one of the most insidious fiscal perils:...
Computer skills are key for succeeding in the current business climate, writes John Patrick Pullen. But even if you didn’t study computer science, free online...
Creating a good company PowerPoint template removes tedious and inconsistent manual formatting of text, placeholders and backgrounds from the end user’s hands....
"Profersonalism is about letting go of the idea that we can put our lives into neat little boxes. It’s about categorizing activities instead of people," says...