Word Tables and Delimited Text

  • August 22, 2010

Tricks with tables to save you some cutting and pasting when your data doesn't come in the way you expect it. Data to tables, tables to text and sorting data NOT in a...

The trouble with a ‘Sunshine Fund’

  • August 20, 2010

Fran’s work group plans to start a “Sunshine Fund” to buy gifts for special occasions, such as birthdays, weddings and baby showers. Her co-worker,...

1-minute strategies from AdminProToday.com

  • July 13, 2010

Each month, AdminProToday.com puts together a digestible collection of 1-minute strategies that help you save time and stress. Here are the 10 most recent time-saving...

10 quick tips for BlackBerry users

  • April 26, 2010

Are you maximizing all that your BlackBerry offers to simplify your life? Here are 10 shortcuts: 1. Create the @ symbol and the dot when typing e-mail addresses by...

4 PowerPoint rules you should follow

  • February 01, 2010

To help an audience tune in to your PowerPoint presentation instead of zoning out, stick to these four cardinal rules from communications coach Carmine Gallo when...

Are you as organized as Bill Gates?

  • January 05, 2010

Microsoft chairman Bill Gates uses digital tools to get things done. No surprise there, but are you using any of his top tactics?

Help! We need topics to discuss at meetings

  • November 06, 2009

Question: “What would be a few good agenda items to discuss at our next administrative professionals meeting?  No one really wants to say anything, and...