Menu suggestions for board meetings

  • March 16, 2007

Question: It is my job to order the food for our board meetings. We’ve had several complaints about ordering the same types of food for each meeting. My...

Capitalizing titles

  • March 09, 2007

Question: For the second year in a row, I have composed a short e-mail invite to the managers and supervisors on staff. Another employee informed me that the words...

No need to reverify expired driver’s license

  • March 02, 2007

Q. I was interested in your recent article discussing reverifying employees' I-9 documents when they expire. Does this mean that if a worker shows a driver's license as...

No double-dipping on mortgage interest

  • January 08, 2007

Q. I have a home office for my own business. Can I deduct mortgage interest in addition to the interest claimed on the personal part of my return?

Tactful criticism

  • December 08, 2006

Question: During a performance review, how do you tactfully discuss with an employee -- point out to an employee -- that he or she spends way too much time visiting...

Not being used to my full potential

  • December 08, 2006

Question: I am the executive assistant for the CEO/president of a small (45 employees) company. The boss frequently travels, either on business trips, family trips or...

Tired of running boss’s personal errands

  • November 22, 2006

Question: I work for a business owner as a bookkeeper and assistant office manager. I also am referred to by others as the business owner's secretary. I don't have...

How do you track contracts?

  • October 26, 2006

Question: I have worked for my employer -- a large company with more than 1,400 employees -- for eight years now. When I started working here, the amount of contracts...

Monthly meeting of admins a good idea?

  • June 23, 2006

Question: I wish to start a monthly meeting to include as many of the Administrative Assistants throughout the organization as possible. Does anyone have any hints on...

Looking for the perfect Rolodex

  • June 02, 2006

Question: I'm trying to find an essential tool I use every day and can't find it anywhere, and am hoping my fellow admins might be able to help me. I have...