Are you delegating too much?

  • April 12, 2019

What’s the fine line between giving your employees autonomy and ownership, and being a de­­tach­­ed, unsupportive manager who over-delegates?

Meet the edge of the precipice

  • January 03, 2019

Hot to the touch and rapidly reddening, the condition of my skin was a dead giveaway to my feelings of anxiety and embarrassment. I was about to face one of my silliest...

Two-step your way to success

  • December 04, 2018

Driving through the back roads on my way home from work, the check engine light illuminated on the dash again. The mechanic had repeatedly assured me everything was...

Heed the whisper of intuition

  • October 30, 2018

Begrudgingly, I opened my eyes and emerged treading water in a sea of dizzy confusion. Disoriented and light-headed, I focused on slow, deep breaths to alleviate the...

Keep gratitude at the forefront

  • October 16, 2018

The fall holidays are often a special time for gathering with loved ones, focusing on our blessings and expressing appreciation for all of the people and opportunities...

Finding strength in tough times

  • September 11, 2018

Picture a young couple about to board the only ship that can take them and their newborn son to a life of freedom. They have just said goodbye to everything they loved...

12 success tips inspired by Grandpa Charlie

  • September 07, 2018

Many people, including those in leadership positions, tend to overthink things. My grandfather, fortunately was not one of them. I’ve codified the wisdom Grandpa...