Robert McNamara’s blind spot

  • May 10, 2012

Nobody argues the fact that Robert McNamara was a genius. The Ford Motor Co. whiz kid who led the Pentagon into the Vietnam War, and the World Bank into unprecedented...

Blow your trumpet loud and clear

  • April 12, 2012

Possibly the hardest thing for leaders who have taken over the direction of a product or service is to sound off clearly on what needs to be done. "The leader’s...

Nelson Mandela’s 8 rules of leadership

  • April 12, 2012

The former president of South Africa who ended apartheid there, Nelson Mandela, has an African first name, Rolihlahla, which translates literally as “pulling down...

Motivating like Mother Teresa

  • March 29, 2012

In 1946, a Romanian nun on a train climbing the Himalayan foothills de­­cided to leave her convent and help the poor, while living among them. She was inspired...

What Joe Montana learned from defeat

  • March 29, 2012

Football Hall of Famer Joe Montana bookended his football career with two spectacular failures. Both times, his passes were intercepted. Montana—who wrapped up his...

The psychology of a turnaround

  • March 27, 2012

Standing in the business books section at a bookstore, Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels, discovered the book that would save his business. He found a bolt...

The secret weapon of Zappos: patience

  • March 01, 2012

Online shoe retailer Zappos is known for its knockout customer service. But CEO Tony Hsieh says his secret of success is really about his employees. “Our belief is...

Turn mistakes into opportunities

  • February 16, 2012

Leaders who excel at developing ­talent use every opportunity to squeeze in a learning moment. ­Mistakes, especially, are a prime ­opportunity.

A humble Nobel Peace Prize winner

  • February 16, 2012

Jean Henri Dunant arrived in Solferino, Italy, on a business trip in 1859 and found himself in the middle of hell. About 38,000 soldiers lay dead and dying, casualties...

Why Barnes & Noble has survived

  • February 09, 2012

Once upon a time, a company imagined a future where music, video and books were all digital, instantly available through a hand-held gadget. It saw itself as a big...

How FDR compensated for weaknesses

  • February 02, 2012

Think the economy is bad now? Here’s how things stood in 1933: The jobless rate in America hit 25%. Business investment choked. Banks defaulted. Totalitarianism ...

Charlie Munger’s one hour to himself

  • January 20, 2012

Charlie Munger, able partner of financier Warren Buffett, got frustrated early in his career because, as Buffett describes it, “he thought he was smarter than...

Shaun White: That’s how I roll

  • December 29, 2011

You'd be forgiven for expecting Shaun White to become a shill after winning a gold medal in snowboarding at the Olympics and more gold in skateboarding at the Summer X...

Martha Stewart’s comeback that wasn’t

  • November 07, 2011

A glut of “yes” men is probably one reason Martha Stewart hasn’t made the comeback she so anticipated. Signs that she let ego get in the way of her...

Billy Beane’s 5 rules for making deals

  • November 03, 2011

Billy Beane revolutionized the way baseball players are valued and also exploited the advantages of timing. The reason his Oakland A’s played like a different team...

Beware making verbal promises

  • October 28, 2011

Employers that make verbal promises of workplace job security in order to lure job applicants or retain employees leave themselves open to claims of breach of an...