The 4 defining moments of 4 great leaders

  • April 10, 2018

Need a quick jolt of leadership adrenaline? Check out these stories of four famous people who came within a whisker of losing it all ... or never making it big in the...

The Case for Suspending Judgment

  • April 03, 2018

In my work as a coach of leaders, and in my general observation, I see many situations that get messy and contentious; and so often these situations are caused by or...

Gamble on stupid ideas—and win!

  • April 03, 2018

In the late 1970s, Richard Fain was stuck on a sinking ship, cargo shipping company Gotaas-Larsen Shipping. Rather than play defense, Fain proposed that the board of...

Individual development plans: A trap?

  • April 02, 2018

Many organizations around the world use development plans to document their employees' development goals by itemizing the skills they need to improve and the learning...

Personal liability for rehiring harasser

  • March 16, 2018

Here’s an important message for employers that may be considering rehiring someone who was fired after being accused of sexual harassment: There could be severe...

When you gotta go with your heart

  • March 15, 2018

In 1988, at age 33, Miles White turned down the chance to head the Asia Pacific region for a division of Abbott Laboratories. Why? His wife wanted to open a children’s...

When they ask, ‘Why did she quit?’

  • March 14, 2018

Q: We had a superstar here who quit because she couldn’t take the C-suite’s bad decision-making anymore. Now since I’m fairly high up the ladder, several people...

Harrison Ford on … waiting tables

  • March 09, 2018

He always was a hard worker, but it was Harrison Ford’s ability to push beyond good to excellent that propelled him into leadership.

What exactly is ‘leadership energy’?

  • March 05, 2018

Despite the money spent annually on leadership development, writes Rejeev Peshawaria, CEO of Iclif Leadership and Governance Center, it is not working because it is...