Conduct appraisals fairly and accurately

  • July 27, 2017

Many supervisors are sensitive about rating their people on the basis of a generalized standard or in terms of a numerical scale. Use these tips offered by Elwood N....

Managing the workplace martyr

  • July 18, 2017

Martyrs are willing to take things on and sacrifice for the team—and boy, do they let everyone else know it. While on the surface, such employees seem like a...

What do you really know about your customers?

  • July 05, 2017

Knowing which customers are spending more or less is the ultimate metric for tracking and analyzing performance. Understanding customers starts with collecting data, and...

The art of the employee one-on-one

  • July 03, 2017

Employee one-on-ones are critical meetings leaders can leverage to understand employee interests, strengths and weaknesses; to build a sense of mutual trust and respect;...

Credibility is your most important asset

  • June 28, 2017

Although supervisors need a wide array of people skills and certain technical abilities, nothing is more critical to supervisory success than credibility. When...

Never give an order that…

  • June 27, 2017

Issue a command that people disregard because you’ve allowed them too much power to write their own rules and your demise as a leader will be slower and more...

Leadership secrets from Lego

  • June 01, 2017

Jorgen Vig Knudstorp has been Lego’s “master builder” of the company’s turnaround since 2004. At the time, Lego was losing $1 million a day. Now...

5 questions to test your culture

  • May 30, 2017

Trying to motivate employees with games, incentives and pizza parties might work to some extent. But lasting results only come from fully engaged staffers who believe in...

Why aren’t you celebrating failure?

  • May 25, 2017

Most leaders like to celebrate success. But if you want employees to innovate, think about the benefits of celebrating failure, too. After all, no less sweat, toil or...