Get employee buy-in on job descriptions

  • March 15, 2017

Do you have current job descriptions for every position on your team? If they're more than six months old, you may have a lot to gain by updating them.

2017: The Year of the “EAR”!

  • January 17, 2017

I’d like you to join me in my New Year’s Resolution, one I intend to pursue not only in my own behavior but in my work with others. It’s to make 2017...

Get them to solve their own problems

  • January 05, 2017

Yes, your door is always open to your employees. But you shouldn’t tolerate a steady parade of workers into your office looking for answers to every little problem.

Facebook’s hacker culture drives it

  • January 03, 2017

At Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg adopted an unusual motivational strategy from the start. Rather than prod employees to excel, he and his co-founders left them alone.

Work-at-home abuse? Demand accountability

  • December 05, 2016

Are you sure employees are working when they are supposed to be? Or are they abusing your flexible rules about taking time off and working from home?

Persuasion or Manipulation?

  • October 27, 2016

Persuasion is not manipulation. If a connection between those words crosses your mind, it is time to eradicate it — and my goal in this short post is to help you...

Sometimes, you gotta bend the rules

  • October 20, 2016

Your book of regulations is likely not all-encompassing, vague in spots and open to interpretation in others. It’s just a guide, for crying out loud. Which brings us...