WD-40: a simple strategy

  • January 18, 2010

John S. Barry staked his entire claim on WD-40 and the motto of keeping it simple. When he took over his father-in-law's small company—$1 million in annual...

Bill Walsh: the 4 most powerful words

  • December 25, 2009

Legendary football coach Bill Walsh remembers that quarterbacks Joe Montana and Steve Young came to the San Francisco 49ers with supremely high expectations of...

Writing performance reviews: What NOT to say

  • December 23, 2009

Say you manage Kevin, a 55-year-old employee whose productivity drops over the year. Instead of citing specific, measurable examples of this decline in his performance...

Feynman’s theory on the Challenger disaster

  • December 01, 2009

While investigating the Challenger space shuttle disaster in 1986, physicist Richard Feynman pondered what had caused a disconnect between managers and leaders that...

Managing a disrespectful employee

  • November 25, 2009

Question: “I am a fairly new manager. One of my employees thinks he knows everything and frequently talks back to me. Every morning, I have a short staff meeting,...

Same job, different pay: Is that legal?

  • November 23, 2009

Q. We have two employees who have the same job title, job description and functions. We pay one a flat salary ($120,000). We pay the other a base salary plus a fixed...

Learn to tell a 2-minute leadership story

  • November 20, 2009

The hallmark of a good leadership story? Inspiring, motivational, memorable and short—like, two minutes short. In the age of Twitter, people don’t have time...

8 keys to effective performance appraisal

  • November 13, 2009

It happens to every manager: You sit down to prepare a staff member's review and realize you can remember only what the person has done the past few weeks. Supervisors...

The 5 steps of progressive discipline

  • November 12, 2009

A progressive discipline system is a way to deal with employee performance problems. It's also the most reliable way to avoid wrongful termination charges.

A wandering mind leads to insight

  • October 18, 2009

Insight is so central to invention that legend has Archimedes, who suddenly realized how to calculate density and volume, jumping from his bath and running naked through...