Beware promises made during hiring process

  • February 07, 2018

What managers say during the hiring process can spell trouble later if anything they say sounds like a promise that induces a candidate to accept a job offer and the...

Online hiring faces scrutiny for age bias

  • January 10, 2018

If you have moved most of your recruiting and hiring processes online, you’re in the sights of watchdogs looking for hidden or intentional age discrimination.

Hire SWANS and let them swim

  • March 29, 2017

Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you. The return on investment will be extraordinary.

Get employee buy-in on job descriptions

  • March 15, 2017

Do you have current job descriptions for every position on your team? If they're more than six months old, you may have a lot to gain by updating them.

SHRM Survey: Average cost per hire is $4,129

  • September 08, 2016

It costs American employers an average of $4,129 to hire a new employee, a process that on average takes 42 days, according to the Society for Human Resource...