How to ask for the recognition you deserve

  • October 14, 2010

No one likes a braggart, right? But when it comes to getting the recognition you deserve, you can’t afford not to take credit for your work, even if it means...

Snoopy co-workers and other busybodies

  • September 17, 2010

Frustrated with her snooping co-workers, one anonymous admin wrote on the Admin Pro Forum: “I work with a group of people who always want to know what I’m...

My employees won’t stop squabbling!

  • August 23, 2010

Question: “I manage a group of four women who bicker constantly. They are quick to “cop an attitude” and get defensive about stupid little things. To...

No hyphen required

  • July 24, 2010

Question: In the following sentence, should the words “on site” be hyphenated? They removed the trees and dumped them on site.

Disciplining an incompetent admin

  • July 07, 2010

Question:  “I recently hired an administrative assistant who makes a lot of mistakes. Two months ago, I told her that this was unacceptable and that she must...

10 quotes to recharge your batteries

  • June 23, 2010

Everybody knows that leaders are optimists. Here are nine quotations and a little story for when your glass drops to the halfway mark. For starters: “The optimist...

Office gift fund: Good idea or bad idea?

  • April 27, 2010

Question: “Our work group plans to start a “Sunshine Fund” to buy gifts for special occasions, like birthdays, weddings and baby showers. One person...

Consistent contributors = good team

  • April 09, 2010

Whether a group is dividing a restaurant bill or working on a shared budget, the more cooperative the group is, the more likely it can rise above a challenge. It helps...

Fatal attraction: Falling for the boss

  • March 24, 2010

Question: “I am a married woman who has fallen in love with my boss. He is also married with kids.  For about a year, we’ve been fighting a strong...