Handling conflicting priorities

  • June 01, 2007

Do you have several equally important things to do, all at once, probably all right this minute? Of course you do. Here are some task-juggling tips.

How to handle a nosy and loud office mate

  • April 20, 2007

Question: I have an office mate who is very nosy. We have different positions. I have a lot of traffic flow with vendors and other employees who ask me for help or...

How to handle the office ‘drama queen’

  • April 02, 2007

Question: Last spring, the company hired an AA. She conducts her personal business loudly so it echoes down the hall, slams doors and comes to my desk in the front...

Electronic Sabotage In The Workplace

  • January 23, 2007

"Logic bombs" and sabotage aren't the makings of a James Bond film. They're problems any employer can face in this electronic age. Sometimes, employee malice is to...

Can I undo a major ‘oops’?

  • June 23, 2006

Question: I am a notary public and I was asked by my new boss to sign some legal documents for the sale of his home. I accidentally entered the wrong expiration date...

Business Etiquette Tips

  • April 20, 2006

Question: I'm wondering if any of my fellow admins/executive assistants know of a book on business etiquette.For example: How to introduce someone to the...

Inappropriate office attire

  • April 07, 2006

Question: I have a co-worker who wears trashy clothing to work almost every day. Even when she tries her hardest to dress professionally, she still looks horrible...