Americans can speak their minds as they wish in many places, but your workplace isn't one of them. First Amendment free-speech rights do not extend to the private...
Soon after Kenneth Chenault joined American Express in his early 30s,
he took a job as VP of marketing for the firm’s low-profile merchandise
services unit.
Jess McCavitt claims his company withheld a promotion and then fired him for being romantically involved with another officer in the company. He said their relationship...
Joseph Succar's affair with Clemencia Lorenz soured after about a year. At the school where they worked, she verbally and physically harassed Succar and tried to...
Faced with a bad situation, Wax Works record stores managed to make it even worse, and paid a big price. One of Wax Works' store managers, Kerry Ogden, had compiled ...
You assume you know what it takes to get ahead at your organization. So
you dress for success, document all your decisions in detail and attend
all company functions...
Q. I attended a “lunch and learn” session with our CEO. During the
Q&A, I proposed an idea for increasing our market share. The CEO
seemed pleased and said...
Warning: The way you respond to your employees’ excuses may actually encourage them to feed you more excuses. If you readily accept their reasons for being late,...