How to handle a nosy and loud office mate

  • April 20, 2007

Question: I have an office mate who is very nosy. We have different positions. I have a lot of traffic flow with vendors and other employees who ask me for help or...

How to handle the office ‘drama queen’

  • April 02, 2007

Question: Last spring, the company hired an AA. She conducts her personal business loudly so it echoes down the hall, slams doors and comes to my desk in the front...

Electronic Sabotage In The Workplace

  • January 23, 2007

"Logic bombs" and sabotage aren't the makings of a James Bond film. They're problems any employer can face in this electronic age. Sometimes, employee malice is to...

Distracting co-worker

  • February 03, 2006

Question: I work in an office where I am in the center of everything, so I can hear and see everything that goes on.  One of my co-workers pretends to work...

Gum popping!

  • January 13, 2006

Question: I work in a nice office with a lot of nice people around. Sometimes, however, the lady next to me in her cube will chew gum ... then, she will pop it. Not...

Unfriendly atmosphere

  • September 16, 2005

Question: We have an office of about 70 employees, about 55 of whom have face-to-face contact with the public. The owner would like all patients welcomed with...

Controlling co-workers

  • July 08, 2005

Question: One of my co-workers (Co-Worker A) is a good employee and a hard worker. Another co-worker (Co-Worker B), who supports the department head, is very...

Nosy managers

  • July 01, 2005

Question: Two of my managers come to my desk frequently and read my computer screen and anything else within view of my desk. I do not report to either one. They...

The perils of sex in the corner office

  • August 01, 2004

And now, a cautionary tale in the form of Spencer Stuart headhunter Dennis Carey, who wooed and promoted his protégé, Marie-Caroline von Weichs, then fired...

Nail down the problem

  • November 01, 1999

When an employee comes to you with a problem, put it in perspective before you scurry to solve it.