Interested in submitting a guest post?

Business Management Daily is happy to accept guest posts from writers and businesses. If you have a unique perspective on a business or Human Resources topic, we want to hear from you! Guest posts are not paid; however, you will be given credit for your writing as an author on our site and the opportunity to link back to your page.

Step 1 – Send us a pitch

You can submit a pitch by completing this form.

Your pitch should include:

  • What topic do you want to write about, and what is your general angle on it? (Feel free to include up to 3 proposed topics)
  • The SEO keyword the article will target (all content must be written to target a particular keyword and use SEO best practices).
  • A brief bio on the author establishing some industry/topical expertise.

Choosing a topic

You can look at our website for the best idea of the topics we cover. However, Business Management Daily is typically interested in articles about Human Resources, employment law, management, business, and office/business operations. If we have already covered a topic extensively, we typically will not take additional submissions on it unless there have been new developments around the topic.

Step 2 – Pitch review

We’ll review your pitch and determine if it’s a good fit. If so, or if it only needs small adjustments, we’ll discuss the next steps. If interested, we will try to reach out within one week of receiving your pitch, but in some cases, it may take longer.

We may not respond to all submissions, especially those not a good match.

Step 3 – Writing your article

If your pitch is approved, write your article and submit it via email through an editable Google Doc, or, ideally, an SEO writing program like Clearscope.

Article word counts should typically range from 1,200 to 2,500 words, depending on the topic and the amount of information to be covered. All articles submitted must be new and original works.

An article may include a backlink to your site, a piece of content you’ve published, etc, as long as it is worked into the article sensibly. Otherwise, Guest Writers may include a link to their site in their bio, which will be posted on their Author’s page.

Additionally, please include the author’s bio (a few sentences) and headshot, highlighting their skill/experience/expertise.

Step 4 – Review & scheduling

Once an article has been submitted, we will review and edit it. This can take up to 2 weeks from submission.

  • If only minor changes need to be made, we will consider the article accepted and set a publish date for those changes to be incorporated.
  • If more substantial changes appear to be needed, we may return the article to you with a markup for modifications.
  • If substantial reworks are needed, and the quality of the article is well below our standards and expectations, we reserve the right to reject the article entirely and terminate our arrangement.

BMD’s editorial team reserves the right to make final edits, including removing extraneous promotional content, rewording copy, adding internal links, and more.

Once the article has passed the approval process, we will schedule it on our editorial calendar and provide you with the expected date and post URL. Articles may take up to 2 weeks to appear on the site after being approved.

Step 5 – Additional promotion

Once an article is published, we ask that guest writers promote it through their own resources. This could include linking to it on your website, forwarding it to your email list, sharing it on your social media platforms, or using some other method of promotion.